How to care for Pilea peperomioides a.k.a Chinese Money Plant, Missionary Plant, Friendship Plant and UFO plant. All the tips and tricks you need to care for this beautiful plant. Care, Propagation, and tips by Clever Bloom #pileapeperomioides #pilea #houseplants #plantcare


Thanks for visiting Clever Bloom!!  I have a guest with me today and I love her so you will too.  Her love for plants and everything botanical is how I “met” her on Instagram.  She is going to cover all your Pilea peperomioides basis because let’s face it, this is not the plant you want to accidentally kill.  I’ll let her introduce herself.  Take it away Morgan!

How to care for Pilea Peperomioides on

Hi, I’m Morgan. You may or may not know me as @plantingpink on Instagram (if not, get on that!).  I love connecting with other plant-loving folks.  If you’re crazy about houseplants or botany, there’s a #plantgang on IG just waiting to love pics of your ferns, monsteras, and fiddle leaf figs.

I live in Tampa, FL and I grow all kinds of green things both indoors and out. I’m partial to fancy and unique foliage but I’ll try to grow just about anything and learn as I go. That’s exactly what I did when I acquired a “Pass it on” plant (aka Pilea pepeomioides). And that’s the plant I’m here to talk about today! I met @cleverbloom through our mutual love of the Pilea and so here we are now with a fun little collab. Thanks Erin for sharing your space!

Pilea peperomioides (or as my husband calls it, Pilea Pepperoni) has become the houseplant on everyone’s wish list. I was lucky enough to get one before they became the rarest and most sought after houseplant in the US and have been able to successfully send off some of its daughter plants across the country to begin their own little pilea families.

It’s a wonder to me how this plant which is so quick and easy to propagate has become virtually impossible to acquire for those who want to own one. I’m glad to see US-based owners start to share their cuttings and I truly hope a nursery here catches up to demand and is able to fulfill the needs of the masses!  In the meantime, those looking for care tips can read on. I’ll cover what has worked best for my plants as far as container, water,   fertilization, sun, soil, pest control and propagation.

The best tips on how to care for pilea peperomioides - Chinese money plant - ufo plant - missionary plant



I currently have three separate potted plants. One is in glazed ceramic, one is in a clay pot and one is in a plastic pot. All three pots have drainage holes at the bottom.

Clever Bloom’s Container Picks: Here & Here


I water each plant about once a week based on the conditions in my house and the condition of the soil.  However, Tampa, FL is a very sunny place and the room is pretty warm.  We keep our house around 77 degrees which in turn dries the soil of all my plants rather quickly. I typically dress the top of my plants with aquarium rocks but because Pilea peperomioides loves to poke babies up out of the dirt, I keep it clear so I can see what’s happening.  All that is to say, watch your soil.  Like most plants, don’t let Pilea peperomioides sit in wet soil but also don’t let it dry out completely either.  I’ve found that the leaves will start to look a tad droopy and that’s the day I water.


All three enjoy a very large south facing window but no direct sunlight.  Because P. peperomioides is so responsive to the sun and such a fast grower, it has a tendency to send all its leaves in one direction.  I’ve found I need to rotate the plant 2-3 times a week to avoid a slanted stem.  Eventually I think I’ll need to stake my largest plant because it grows so quickly. Just in the past month it has put out 5 new leaves. It didn’t grow as quickly in the winter so this may be its yearly growth spurt.


This post may have affiliate links for your convenience.

For soil, I use MiracleGro with some orchid bark mixed in for added texture and aeration. For all my houseplants, P. peperomioides included, I mix the recommended amount of Bonide Systemic House Plant Insect Control into the soil. When I first moved to Florida in July, 2015 my houseplants somehow acquired fungus gnats. I used yellow sticky traps to catch the adult flies and started using the Bonide product. I can now happily report that we are gnat free!

The best tips on how to care for pilea peperomioides - Chinese money plant - ufo plant - missionary plant



Propagating these plants is very simple. When I acquired my “mama” plant, it already had some “babies” peeking up through the soil. I cut each plantlet from the mother plant with a clean, sharp knife. They can either go into water to start root development or straight into moist soil.  I’ve found the soil method to be quicker and easier so I no longer take the step to root the plantlets in water. After about 4-6 weeks, they are anchored in their soil and will begin to sprout new leaves of their own.

They really are a uniquely beautiful houseplant and I’m sure their rarity has added to their allure. But my favorite part about them is their ease of care and rapid propagation. Now that there are plants growing and flourishing in the US, hopefully the plant can live up to its “pass it on” legend and spread among plant loving friends.

Thank you SO MUCH Morgan!  If you have any questions about how to care for your Pilea peperomioides leave a comment and we’ll be sure to get back to you as soon as possible.  I hope this was good information for you.  I know it was for me!  I’m the proud new owner of one of Morgan’s baby Pileas and I need all the help I can get.  Haha!  After the journey I’ve been through to get one, I really don’t want to kill it.  Don’t forget to follow both @plantingpink (Morgan) and @cleverbloom on Instagram for updates on these amazing plants.  Have a great day and we’ll see you next time!

UPDATE: Pilea peperomioides are definitely more accessible now! You can find them at most plant shops and even stores like Trader Joe’s, Fred Meyer, Lowe’s and Home Depot. Although the excitement of finding them may be over, it’s still so fun to watch them grow and produce baby plants!

I’ve added some links below of supplies I use with my Pileas.  See my disclosure policy here.

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    1. Thanks Erin!! I was on the hunt for TWO WHOLE YEARS! I wish you the best of luck! Do you follow us on Instagram? My friend and I just did a giveaway of one last week! We’ll gladly keep you posted as soon as we know someone who has them available!

      1. Desperately searching as well…. but tears of no luck??

        even searching for seed, but can’t seem to find them

        1. Check Trader Joe’s off Dale Mabry! They’ve been there the last three weeks I’ve been in the store. I think they are 7.99 and come with two small empty pots for propagating!

          1. I was super excited to find one at Trader Joe’s. Unfortunately, mine isn’t doing so well. I’m trying to do everything it could need but somehow it isn’t thriving. Not sure what to do!

      2. Bless you and thank you for your detailed information. I have been given the Pilea as a gift so shall ensure I tend it with live and your good advice.

    2. That’s too funny. If you could send pictures here I’d share my plant in less than a year had six babies. Some are all ready spoken for. My boss got the oldest offspring. And there are four others at the store waiting to root. Two are spoken for mean wile the mother “firn” is back home

      1. Hey there! I know it’s strange to get a note on here–but looks like you posted pretty recently about having some offshoots, and I’m just wondering–any chance you’d be willing to part with one for a total stranger on the internet?

    3. I found mine at Trader Joe’s. The one I bought is in a small pot without drainage holes. Should I repot it?

    4. I just found out that a Walmart outlet sells pilea plants for $10; they will
      be sent directly to you. Also, Etsy has many for sale …. some at outrageous
      prices! =O I can’t wait to get a couple of plants next month.


    5. Just found some in 6 “ pots today at Trader Joe’s. Maybe they’re starting to get easier to find? 7.99. April 16 2019

      1. I know this post is from a few years back but I found mine last month at Home Depot. Seems like they might be coming around for those of you who might have waited for them.

  1. Thank you for this guide! I need some help. I’ve planted two cuttings from a mother plant. It’s been a few weeks since they’ve been potted and I’m noticing that some lower leaves are turning yellow, even though one of the cuttings has been growing new leaves. Is this normal? The mother is otherwise doing well and growing new leaves constantly. Any guidance would be much appreciated!

    1. Hey Donna! In general yellow leaves are due to water stress of some sort. Over watering or under watering. I had a new pilea that I tried to care for “too much” and over watered. One of the small leaves turned yellow and I plucked it off. Since then I just water when the leaves start to droop a little. Here in Oregon it’s about once/week. Sorry it took me so long to get back to you!! I didn’t see you message for some reason 🙁 How is your plant doing now?

      1. I bought my first pilea about a month ago and repotted it into a slightly larger glazed pot. Gave it a good watering (let it dry out some before watering), and within a few days, there were yellow leaves. I have not watered it since, as the soil was still not dry. Is this from overwatering? I have a green thumb and lots of happy houseplants in my home. The new pot has good drainage. Transplant shock?

  2. Hi, I love your plants!!! I was lucky and got my hands on a Pilea a few month ago. It’s thriving which is awesome, even though I don’t have it in a pot with a drainage hole. But I try not to overwater it. Now my question to you is, what does it mean if one of the leaves turned yellowish and got brown around the edges. Too much water or not enough? Thank you!

    1. Hey Corina!! I would assume too much water. Especially if you have no drainage. Do you have pebbles or anything at the bottom? Most (not all) plants need drainage and from my experience the pileas I have like to dry out in between waterings. It’s so hard to tell what the soil is like at the bottom so I would either put it in a container with drainage OR let the plant droop a bit before watering. GOOD LUCK!

  3. Hi Pilea fans! I need some help! My Pilea plant is only about six month old, and it has been growing a lot. At the beginning, the leaves were strait and did not bend or curl, but after giving it to holiday care with my friend when she returned it to me the leaves were curled and ever since all the leaves that are growing are curling as soon as they open. What went wrong? 🙁 how can I solve this? kind regards from Switzerland, Carolina

        1. I’m also having the curling issue and couldn’t find the resolution posted. Can you share? Thank you!

          1. Mine when they curled meant it had bugs in the soil that were sucking the nutrients out and making the plant weak. I got a bottle of neem oil and took it outside and basically hosed the plant down, leaves, underneath the leaves drenched the soil like I watered it and then let it dry in the sink (it is winter here) and once the leaves dried, right away they looked a lot better and new growth doesn’t have that at all.

            It will eventually kill your plant if you do not get rid of the bugs and also if you have other plants, spray them with the neem oil as well because those suckers will get in other plants quick. I’ve started spraying new plants I bring in and keep the, seperate from my others for a couple of weeks and a few good sprays in neem oil to make sure they don’t spread or have any hitching a ride on new plants.


  4. One of my leaves broke off from the main stem in transit…can I out in water to root or will this be a waste of time?

    1. Jules, I’m just trying it for the first time. I had 4 break off in a toddler accident 🙁 Yes, it can be done. I’ve seen it happen but I don’t think it takes every time. Good luck! Let me know if you have success!

  5. Hi there!
    I just recently got 2 pileas on eBay (I’ve never bought plants on eBay but apparently it’s a thing) and used pots I had with no holes for draining in the bottom. I did however add a thick layer of garden pebbles before adding the soil, so it has a sort of drain but the water doesn’t really come out. Do you think I should repot them into pots with free drain? I learned this technique from the guy at the nursery I visit but I’m not sure if it works for all types of plants. Thanks

    1. Hi Katherine! Some people don’t agree with me but I ALWAYS use pots with drainage. Yes, that pebble method can work for many different plants (maybe even Pilea). The pebbles work to allow the water to not drown the roots BUT the water is still in there. Soil that stays too wet for longer periods can create lots of problems like unwanted bugs and root rot. I would absolutely switch pots or drill a hole in the one you have! Good luck!

  6. Hi there ☺

    Just got my very first Pilea a week ago… my downstairs neighbour is a florist and gave it to me for free!!! Can you believe it?! So nice of him ☺ I love my plant but the larger leaves are starting to curl up and I’m getting a bit worried… I have no clue of what could be causing this. Can you help me? Thank you so much ❤

    1. hi Juliet! Curling leaves are usually not a worry. In fact, it can be pretty common. One of my plants has 2 leaves that curled…I’m not sure why but the plant itself healthy! Just make sure it gets lots of sun and let it dry out in between waterings. Also, if you just got it, it may need a bit of time to adjust to it’s new environment. It may have gone through some shock. Let me know how it goes!!

  7. One of my pileas developed white bumps on the underside of her leaves. A few days after noticing these white bumps, those leaves developed brown spots. Any ideas on what can cause this? Thanks!

    1. Brittney- So the white bumps are normal. If I’m correct, it’s a result of possible overwatering and they are mineral deposits of sorts. Don’t worry too much about those. Brown spots can be from a lot of things. Overwatering, direct sunlight, fertilizer burn…Best thing is indirect light and let it dry out in between waterings! Good luck!

      1. This might be a silly question- but what do you mean by a “baby”…is that a new leaf? or would the baby pop up in the soil? Sorry if this has been asked before

  8. HELP! I have two beautiful pileas, completely in love! Unfortunately recently found the same issue as Brittney mentioned above: little white spots at the bottom of the leaves and development of brown spots. (could this be a fungus?)

    The lower leaves are also quite droopy, while the centre (newest) leaves are still firm and upright. The lower leaves also seem to get a bit lighter – going towards a yellow color.

    Any idea what to do or what causes this? (I keep my plants in a terracotta pot, with drainage hole).

    Many thanks!

    1. Marielle- Read my reply to Brittney…and as far as the lower leaves. I have that happen from time to time as well. I don’t really know why. I end up plucking them so it doesn’t steal nutrients from the rest of the plant. My leaves tend to be the small ones and I feel like they never matured properly and then don’t survive. They also don’t get as much light so that could also be why. I’ll let you know if I ever get a good answer. But don’t worry! The rest of your plant should be fine. This has happened to both of my plants 🙂

  9. Hi! I live in the Tampa area too and I just purchased seeds to start my plants…. they’re very small and they came from Indonesia. :/ Do you know about starting these plants from seeds? If not and I can’t get them to sprout, do you know of a location I can purchase a plant at? My seeds are in soil in a take out dish on my lanai with afternoon sun. Hopefully in a good spot. I haven’t used all my seeds to start out with in case I’m doing it wrong.

    1. Also, you have really great plants on your instagram page! ? The Citrus Park Ross has great pots if you haven’t been there. Where did you get your sting of pearls plant?

    2. Hi Denise! Morgan, my friend who wrote this post is actually the one who lives in Tampa (I’ll let her know about Citrus Park) but let me tell you what I know about seeds… I bought seeds twice from 2 different sources. Even though everyone told me that Pileas don’t grow from seed, I still had high hope! Neither of the different seeds worked! One person I got it from was a total bogus guy on ebay and the other gal was super sweet. She had received them from someone and she wasn’t sure if they were legit or not but was willing to share her stash with me. I would try your seeds just to see. Pileas are just now becoming more well known so who really knows?! I would put them in a damp paper towel inside a plastic bag for a week and if they sprout then stick them in soil when the sprout is about 1/4″ long. Good luck and keep me posted!

      1. A few weeks ago I bought some seeds on Ebay from Hong Kong. I read this when I got them while researching and was devastated that I had been sucked in!! Anyway, as you had suggested to Denise, I tried the seeds anyway and they are sprouting!!! I have no idea if they will survive, let alone if they are actually Pilea but I’ll be waiting with bated breath to see 🙂

          1. I’d love to know too, did the seeds sprout and were they pilea… I bought some off ebay but not devastated if they don’t turn out viable as they cost $1!

      2. I have 3 piles and I share with everyone, it is a FAV!
        How do you grow on in a basket?
        Full, lush with more growth at bottom verses less height?
        Thank you

  10. Hi!
    Thank you to the post and information, I have 2 little pilea and 1 seems to be doing really well and the other bigger doesn’t seem to be doing well. I water them once a week, the smaller ones leaves are all upright and going strong but the bigger ones leaves are all droopy and don’t sit upright. I don’t want to keep watering the bigger one as I know that’s worse for it. Could you give me some info as to what’s happening? They both get bright indirect sun and the same amount of water, both pots have drainage holes. They are both looked after the same as each other I just don’t know why there’s such a difference in them. I’m trying to post pics for you to see but it doesn’t seem to work on here. Thank you

  11. Hey there. First off cute plants, second, I have had one for a month now and I recently had to move it from the window (it was getting to much sun and leaves were falling off and browning. But, I moved it and she seems happier at the top of my cupboard. Although it hasn’t grown at all (but hasn’t died) just staying the same in growth. My question is, how MUCH sun does it need? Should I find a way to put it close to my window? I haven’t quite gotten the hang of my green thumb just yet and never know the amount of light it needs

    1. Hey Avril!

      I would say bright but indirect is the best. They will do okay in lower light situations though. Mine are about three feet away from a south facing window and they are doing really well right now!

  12. I’ve had mine for about a year with no “babies” popping out. I haven’t been able to find a good care post until now. Do you use any kind of fertilizer? He’s been in an East facing window for a bit, just moved him farther away after reading this post 🙂

  13. Hello
    Your plants look amazing. I recently purchased a pilea from a store. Since then it has lost a few leaves from the bottom part. They have brown spots on them and then they turn yellowish and fall. A few times a spotted some tiny flying insects. Also the leaves turn outwards.What could be the problem?
    Thank you 🙂

    1. It sounds like it might be over watered and therefore has root rot and fungus gnats. I would repot in new soil after washing away as much of the old soil as possible. Pluck all bad leaves off! Thoroughly water and let soil fully dry before watering again. It will recover quicker from under watering than over watering. Good Luck!

  14. Please help!
    I am having similar problems as the person above! I don’t think mine is enjoying the window I have it in…. Two of the leaves have fallen off, and a few of the leaves are curving in. But they are all a lovely dark green, with a few brown spots. This baby did come from Oregon, all the way to dry southwest Colorado. I’m nervous of this little guy kicking the bucket.
    Any advice would be appreciated!! Thanks!

  15. Wow, it’s nice to know that so many people are having the same problem with their Pileas!

    All three of mine have experienced the curling leaves as well, but the problem seems to have subsided as I’ve watered them less and drilled drainage holes in the pots. Their lower leaves have been yellowing recently, so I think I’m going to try moving them away from the window a bit. They get direct sunlight only for about 30 minutes a day in an east-facing window, but maybe that’s still too much for them.

    Thanks for the info and good luck to everybody!

    1. Rob – My bottom leaves also yellow from time to time. I’m writting a new blog post about these problems in Pileas so keep an eye out! Curling leaves I believe are from over watering, just like you said!

  16. Hello, Ive had my plant for about 3 months now and its growing so fast! Today I checked on it and noticed 2 new leaves popped out from the soil but they are yellow and brown spots on them? Can you advise what that is? All of the rest of the leaves are doing just fine! 🙁 HELP!

  17. Hi!

    I managed to find one of these plants about six months ago, and it has been growing so well. BUT lately I’ve noticed that the leaves at the very bottom fall off really easily – it’s almost like the stalk has dried up and isn’t really well-attached to the main stalk any more. Anyone have any experience of this?


    1. I have the same problem, the leaf seems very healthy, not even a month old and it just falls off… I’ve lost 5-6 leaves this way. It keeps groing and pushing new leafs however the bottom ones don’t seem to stay… what to do?

    2. Me too! The leaves are green and healthy looking, no curling, although some have in the past turned brown beforehand. Now, however, whilst looking healthy the leaves just pop-drop off???!

      There is not much light where my plant sits and the temperature varies a great deal … I live in the UK.

      Any ideas? Thank You.

  18. I’ve been scouring the internet lately for info on these guys, and this one page (comments section included) has the most practical knowledge on these plants!

    My friend has been heavily hinting that she wants one of these plants for a while, and I managed to get one to give as a gift. I was wondering though if these plants are pet-friendly, as my friend has a cat…

    I usually check out the ASPCA website’s list of toxic and non-toxic plants, but neither there nor anywhere else on the internet have I been able to find anything about the Pilea peperomioides. Does anyone know if they are toxic to cats?

    1. This Pliea is not dangerously toxic to dogs or cats. There are no veterinary records of problems with this plant.
      Just for the sake of science, I nibbled a little bit of a leaf: not much taste, and slightly crisp and crunchy like a cucumber. Boring.
      Another closely related Pilea is used in traditional Chinese medicine.

  19. How do you pack up the babies when you send them to someone?
    I have three plants with babies and I myself have been searching for a while and whenever I read on instagram that people can’t get them or how much they would have to pay for it I feel like giving one or two up for adoption.
    But I am worried about the mail….

    1. I purchased a rooted cutting online and it was mailed across the country in damp paper towel and an egg carton type packaging. It was perfect when it arrived…the gentleman I purchased it from said they are very hardy.

    1. Well it depends. If you’re looking for those big beautiful ones you see online, those will take years. They put out new leaves often (every few weeks) but will take a couple years to grow big!

      1. Just got one Last month 4″ pot ,and I got 3 small ones growing from it now ? very happy ,I think it’s growing fast to me ,mine it’s 10″ tall,

  20. Loving this post and all the comments – it is such a great resource!

    Does anyone keep their pilea under a cloche? I have put my baby pilea in one as it is on my desk at work and i want to protect it from getting knocked. I figured the air con is probably not so great for it either and was thinking the cloche would help give it some humidity.

    Is this a bad idea or will my pretty little pilea be happy ?

    Thanks guys 😀

  21. I purchased a rooted cutting almost a year ago…it is green and healthy and does produce new leaves, but really hasn’t grown much. The oldest/biggest leaves seem to turn yellow and fall before they get too large. I have it in a clay pot with pebbles in the bottom and a drainage hole…I may water it too much as I usually water twice a week…I find it dries out faster in the clay pot and it sits right over a heater. The room has lots of light and the pilea sits about 4 feet from an east facing bay window.

    Any tips for getting my baby to grow big and strong?


  22. Hello all. I brought a Pilea some weeks ago to find within a day or 2 most of the leaves turned pale and dropped off. The 3 remaining leaves look healthy and no signs of dropping but I have had no new growth at all. I have 3 large windows tho all facing north or north east. I have since brought a new baby pilea and hoping for better results. Also any London folks can buy pilea cuttings aplenty in East London store ‘conservatory archieves’ on the Hackney road. Very knowledgeable staff!

  23. hi, thank you for this post. i just bought a cutting from Germany (i live in NYC) and it arrived yesterday. I watered it and potted it in a terracotta pot. Its very droopy, though all leaves are attached and didn’t seem to lose any in the journey. Ive placed it a few feet from a south facing window and am praying it perks back to life. Is there anything else I should be doing to revive it? Thank you so much!

    1. My plant is doing the SAME thing!
      I don’t have an South facing window to put it in, but I have it in a bright living room, biggest window is on the east side of the house.
      Has your plant been doing any better? Anything you changed that worked?

  24. Great article!

    I ordered a pilea for myself online about a year ago. Overall it has been really healthy, it just seems to be growing really tall with spread out leaves and has not produced any babies. any advice? Should I fertilize? what kind of fertilizer do you use?


  25. Help! My leaves keep wilting… what am I doing wrong? My plant is situated in my bright living room, not in direct sunlight, I’ve been watering as stated & it’s in a clay pot. Was thinking of moving it into a drainage pot?
    Thanks ❤

  26. Hi Morgan,

    I’m really new at this plant, and I just purchase 20 seeds, I dunno kn ow how to start them up. They also look light blue. Can you please help me with some tips. I don’t want to ruin this. Thanks a lot,
    Att. Junior.

  27. Hi,
    I got my baby Pilea 3 days ago. The leaves start having black edge? What did I do wrong ? Please help. Thanks.

    1. Hi Larp,
      I got my plant about a week ago and I am getting the dark on a few of my leave to.. just wondering how your plant is doing now….


  28. Hey there I have a rather large plant but the stem of my plant has begun to curve into an “S” shape and I am worried it is going to break. What would be the best way to straighten it out to keep it growing upright?

  29. Hello, beautiful, beautiful! I am in search of a baby off of anyone! Do you know of anyone, I will be in Portland within the next two weeks!!

  30. I just discovered pilea’s about 2 weeks ago and can’t wait to get one. It has sparked my interest in house plants. I am in the Cape Coral area of FL. Let me know if there will be any baby pilea’s for sale.

      1. Ha, ha Marylin, a lady after my heart, ?, I used to teach and my students just could not get plural and Saxon genitive. Anyhow I just got my First Lady money plant. So hopefully she will be happy. I am in Western Australia so dry as so my prediction is good. We will see, the plant I got already has lots of babies.

  31. I have a Chinese Money plant that keeps dropping its leaves. It has had only one “baby” since I received it a year ago. I did repot it. I wonder if the pot is too big. Also I tried pinching the new growth off hoping that would force the ” babies”- but no luck.

  32. hi Morgan, and Erin! Great post. I find myself coming to this page often for care tips for my pilea. I recently removed 3 babies from my mother plant and put them right into moist soil. Now I am wondering if the soil needs to remains moist for the first month or so? or should I be letting it dry slightly between waterings? thank you!!!

  33. I have known about this lovely plants for a couple of years now. I have found plants for sale for up to $300 on eBay. The least expensive plants I found have been $50 or so and coming from Germany or the Netherlands. Any ideas where I could get a plant more locally? Purchasing one from Europe seems like too long of a shipment. I have seen seeds for sale but I am discouraged after looking at some of the comments about their viability. Thank you for your thoughts . Trisha

    1. I got mine on Etsy for about $30. She got here in 2 days and has been doing quiet well for the last month. Give them a try.

  34. PS, I did purchase a plant from eBay but it ended up being a regular philodendron instead of a of one of these sweethearts. Though the picture on eBay showed a pilea.

  35. Hi!
    I ordered some seeds from ebay (to australia), after many attempts have 2 shoots. They are so slow though, any advice? I am going to change the soil to your recommendation. Just wondering if i should fertilize?

  36. I just bought two of the Pilea plants from a nursery, one is doing quite well, however; the other is dropping its leaves at a massive rate. What did I do wrong? And how can I keep from losing my plant?

  37. Hi! I have had my Pilea for almost 6 months now, but it has never produced “babies”. Is there something I should be doing to aid in this process? I was hoping to share one with my mom. Thanks!

  38. Hi!

    I got a little one about a month ago and, because I’m a terrible and forgetful indoor gardener, I stuck her in a parrot pot so that it could keep track of her. There’s no entry for Pilea Peperomioides in their plant database however. I have it set to Asparagus Fern but I’m wondering if you can think of other plants that have very similar water, light and fertilizer needs as Pilea Peperomioides that might be a better fit.

  39. Hey guys,
    Thank you for the great info on these beautiful plants. I ordered some seeds in February and planted them. They came up and are about 4 inches tall. I have kept them in a terrarium and was wondering if I should take them out and let them become adjusted to the conditions of our home. About 8 plants are all in the same pot and if I take them out and they don’t do well, I’m afraid all will die. Any advice on growing Pileas from seed would be so helpful. There just seems to be no info on growing these plants from seeds. I just winged it and planted them as I would any other seeds abd so far so good.

    1. Your the first person I’ve read who successfully grew pilea from seeds. Where did you order your seeds from?
      I’m not an expert pilea caretaker but am sure you can give each your pilea babies their own homes/ pots. So that it will have room to grow and make babies. The above article is pretty helpful.
      Congratulations for successfully growing from seeds. I’ll have to try that. The question is where to order real seeds. There are many fakes out there. Wish you the best on your babies!

  40. Hi! When transplanting the babies, should each baby already have its own roots? Or will just cutting it from the mother plant and transplanting be enough?

  41. Hi!

    I live in LA and I got one of these about two months ago. It was a tiny three-leaf plant that I potted in a small (4″ diameter and 4″ high) stoneware pot. I have a sunny east facing window in the kitchen. It lives there.

    It was going so well at first. It grew very fast and started to send up some babies. I think the pot was too small though because the babies stopped growing (but look the same) and the bigger leaves got bigger, thinner and paler.

    I moved it to a doubly large terracotta pot. Since then, it hasn’t grown much and the leaves are consistently droopy.

    I just moved it to a glazed ceramic pot.

    Any tips on how to make sure I don’t damage the health of my plant any more than I already have?

  42. Hi,

    I have some questions. How to understand which is the moment to chance the pot with a bigger one? I have a Pilea in a small plastic pot (the one that I bought) and it has already 3-4 truncks; it is growing very weel, in fact it has every week nes leaves. So, the position and water are good (I think).
    I’d like to have new plants. I see a baby on the bottom of the pot coming out from the hole. So, the other question is: can I cut this baby? And when I will change the pot of the “mama” can I separate the 4 truncks in different pots?
    Thank you a lot for your help. I’m sorry that there is not the possibility to let you see a picture to bettere understand. I hope my english is good.

  43. Hi! thanks for all your tips! I live in Barcelona (Catalunya) so the weather here is not very cold in winter, but we have a radiator-based heating system at home… my question is: can I place the Pilea near a radiator in winter or it will be too hot for it? what do you think? my home have a very special distribuition of the rooms and that place I’m thinking would have non-direct sunlight but the “problem” of the radiator… thank you very much! :*

  44. Hi, I just bought a beautiful Pilea two days ago in a simple plastic pot with holes at the bottom. The leaves look nice and healthy though darker than yours, however when I got home I noticed that there is white/yellow mould(?) in various spots on the soil…

    I tried scooping it off with a spoon, but have no idea what I’m doing tbh.
    Any tips?! What could have caused this and can I save the plant? Should I repot the plant in new soil and how do I do that without damaging it?
    Sorry, I’m a total beginner.

  45. I have been growing these plants for maybe 20 years after receiving babies from a German aunt but never knew their name. They are almost impossible to kill. You can divide them at the roots when there are babies. I pull the root ball apart so there is soil with each baby and repot and they thrive. If the parent plant gets too long, you can cut the stem and put in water on a sunny window sill and it will grow roots within a few weeks/month . I have maybe 20 of these grown from babies and have given away many more. In my house, they are happiest and a south facing window with plenty of sun. They also tolerate much lower light but do not grow as fast. I water mine once a week and use organic fertilizer a few times a year. My plants shed some of their lowest leaves on the stem by turning yellow and falling off as it grows from the top.

  46. I managed to buy one but I don’t understand why I have brown dry spots on the foliage and the leaves are curling. I only water once a week and I do list twice a day….please help! I wud post a picture but I can’t

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  48. I have 6 Pileas — all are in 4-inch pots. Can I put three of them in a 13.5-inch pot? Or do they need to grow separately? If so, are 6.5-inch pots OK? Thank you, thank you!!!

  49. Hi! I have two small Pileas and they won’t grow and are shedding leaves. Do they need to be repotted? One has a baby plant coming off of the Mother. The leaves look healthy. I also only have East sun but rotate often. I have a feeling they need more soil and larger pots…

  50. I am Danish having lived in UK for 44 years. I had a ‘baby’ passed onto me 10 years ago and am now gladly giving new plants to my friends. When you are familiar with the plant’s water requirements you can very successfully plant in any container without drainage holes.

  51. I just visited Barlow’s in Sea Girt, NJ and they got a shipment of Pileas. I purchased one of my own about 2 weeks ago at Sickle’s Market in Little Silver, NJ and didn’t realize how rare they are until I googled how to care for them. I have mine in a west facing window. A few of the leaves turned yellow. I’m not sure if I’m overwatering.

  52. Since I couldn’t get my hands on any locally and was too hesitant to buy one through the mail, I got some seeds that are reportedly for pilea peperomiodes. How long do the seeds take to sprout?

  53. Hi there! I recently got a pilea and planted her in a pot the same size it came in. I see 2 little babies trying to pop up and I’m questioning if the pot is big enough or not. Do they like being pot bound or should I go up to a bigger pot?
    Thank you

  54. My mom has a plant that is just growing tall….it’s now just a single stem about 4 feet high. Is there a way to have this plant grow fuller, rather than taller? Should we be pinching off new growth at the top? Also wondering if I cut a few inches off the stem from the top, can I root that to start another plant?

  55. Hi
    My sister kindly gave me one baby plant , ive been carefully trying to grow it . but i noticed yesterday it no longer seems to be connected to its roots …. The top of the plant is still beautiful in color
    Is this plant donzo now ? Or can i try to save it.

  56. Hey there! I bought one of these after seeing them on pinterest and thinking theyre the most adorable plants ive ever seen! I have already propagated four baby plants from the roots, but none yet from the stem. My question though is: How can I make it grow tall? I have seen some (online images) with very tall stems, and looks like they even have a support helping them out. Is this possible, or is this a totally different plant?

  57. Hello! I have a mother plant that is popping out babies like crazy. I was cutting one of the babies the other day and sliced one of the big leaves on the mother plant. Should I remove it? Or let it heal?


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  59. I have had mine PP for about 4 months. I am issuing the same soil and pot conditions as you. I am noticing a lot of the leave at the base are Turing black and falling off regularly. Is that normal? It is sprouting new leaves and even a baby! But worried that all but 3 of the leave that were on it when I acquired it are fallen off.

    1. Can someone please reply to this black leaf problem. I have a baby, she was doing fine. Getting black leaves, but still growing green ones. Now, all leaves are black… !? It’s a very small plant, maybe 1 or 2 inches high. I am watering once a week, waiting for the soil to get dry. Maybe I repotted too quickly…!? Is my plant dead?

  60. Chinese dollar plant, Funny you all should say that you want one. They are hard to find. I live here in North Bay, Ontario Canada, and I always put out extra plants out the side of the road. I wrote “free”, not a “soul”, picks them up I guess they don’t like these plants. I try selling them on Kijiji North Bay Ontario, still no one replied.

  61. For anyone looking to buy one of these plants, I just scored one at my local Trader Joe’s for $8.99. It even comes with 2 tiny pots for the babies!

  62. I’ve had mine a few months now and the beautiful larger leaves have all dropped off. It seems pretty healthy and there are lots of small very green (some curled) leaves but they just don’t seem to be getting any bigger? Is this normal? Does it take quite a while for them to grow large again or is something wrong? Thanks! 🙂

  63. I was so lucky to find a pilea at my local grocery store once night. My question is regarding reporting. Should only one tall stalk remain in the pot when transplanting?

  64. Great article! I just got one of these beauties at Trader Joe’s a few weeks ago and was looking online for some growing instructions. I’m getting ready to replant mine and wondered.

    Can I plant in a pot two times larger than original?

    A few of the bottom leaves turned yellow and came off. Am I doing something wrong??


  65. I have one of these but it doesn’t have the middle stem, so all of the leaves just hang. It is producing babies but 2 larger leaves are turning yellow. Help?

  66. Hi, first of all, great page and thank you for your explanation on how to care for the Pilea.

    I do have a question though, I bought my pilea only a few months ago from my local florist and it was flourishing in my living room with my other plants up until last month were it has stopped growing completely. Some of the older lower leaves have developed dry brown marks on their front and backs.
    The babies look normal but have also stopped growing.

    The pot has ventilation and I only water when the leaves have drooped slightly. What could be the problem?

    Please help.
    Thank you!

  67. For anyone that wants one there is a marvelous company located in Edmon, Ok. named The People’s Plants, owned by Jeff Waggoner, who grows the Pileas, and I have purchased 8 from him in the last several months. They are packaged properly in a green plastic case, wrapped in paper, shipped extremely fast, and are beautiful, You can purchase what he calls a babe, that comes in a peat casing or a 4″ that comes in a pot. Mine are outdoors in the bright light of So. Fl. and are growing so fast. I have bought both, and have given some as gifts. You won’t be disappointed purchasing anything from him, as he stands behind his plants.

  68. Attention Pilea Hunters! I just received my order and it has TWO plants in the pot and loaded with offshoots!
    It cost $12 (+ S&H) from Amazon. Also, the main plant
    is quite large!

    1. Sometimes, but be careful it’s not too big. You don’t want it to have too much room. Rule of thumb is pot no more than 2” bigger around than the root system!

  69. I have a start from my grandmother’s plant who died about 30 yrs ago. Mine seems different than your photos. The stem is a light green, about 12” long and hangs over the side of the pot. The leaves are a dark green and kind of heart shaped and very glossy. I recently over watered it and am fearful I will lose it. I’m going to replant today. I’ve never known the name but believe it is much like this plant although different than all pics I’ve seen on the web. I would love to send u a pic so u could confirm for me. I don’t have Instagram

  70. Hi, Im curious to know how which of your pileas is thriving the best – give youve planted them in there different types of pots. Thanks!

  71. You wrote a wonderful article, you are obviously both very knowledgeable ~ but you are not answering any of these people’s questions! We have come here for help, why aren’t you replying? Many people having similar problems, would just take a short time to respond, has this become a self-help Pilea Peperomiodes community? If so, I’m no expert but having raised these plants and learned from my own, and others mistakes over the years, I would gladly step in and answer the questions for these kind people who seem to love their PPs as much as I do!

  72. For anyone looking to buy a plant, you can find places selling them on this site:

    It’s a map of retailers near you that have pilea plants in stock. I was able to find one at a local hardware store close by.

  73. Hi, I have a Pilea that imgas lost many of its leaves. It’s down to one but has a bunch of babies. The last two leaves that dropped became lighter green before doing so. I have been careful with my watering but am not sure what the issue is. It’s facing a southern window but maybe need more light since it’s winter in Chicago :/ not sure. Any advice would be great! Thanks 🙂

  74. When I first got my Pilea, it had two “babies” which I repotted. But none of the Pileas have been sprouting new “babies” since then. Is there any way to help encourage the plant to sprout new ones? Thanks!

  75. Hey,
    I hope you can help, I can’t find what to do anywhere. I’ve had my pilea for almost a year, it’s grown huge. It’s almost two feet wide. Is there a way to cut it down to keep it to a manageable size again? I love it but I live in a NYC apartment and soon it may need a room of it’s own.

  76. Hi!

    Thanks for the post.

    Quick question: when should / can you report a Pilea?

    My husband always wants to repot plants immediately to let them grow bigger, but I know that you’re not always supposed to as some put a lot of energy into root growth etc. What would you advise?

    Thank you!

  77. Hello!

    I received a Pilea as a gift Christmas 2017 and I’m ashamed to say, I hadn’t given it any attention until recently becoming plant obsessed. It has survived this entire time on a windowsill in the communal area of our apartment in the UK temperatures.
    I shouldn’t be a plant mom, I know.. but I’ve changed!!
    So I’m trying to nurse this baby back to health. He has about 3 or 4 babies, so doing ok! But the leaves are curled, and a shade of red underneath. Everyone has mentioned yellow leaves but I can’t find any information on the red undertone. Do you know what might be causing this, and how I can fix it??
    It also has the bumps under leaves, which I’ve read is somewhat normal?
    I’m due to repot this weekend once I have more soil, and will go from there.. any help would be so appreciated!
    Thank you x.

  78. Hello, two of my three pilea plants’ stems are growing long and heavy towards the bottom of the plants. They are falling off. they are about each is about 7 inches tall.The trunks of those plants seem too thin to hold them up or something. I don’t know what to do. it I even touch the stem, the the stem falls off. One is in more aerated soil than the other but they are having the same problem. I see conflicting information on the internet about a pilea’s light needs. a friend mine has one which is in a very well lit window and it seems to be thriving. Mine is about 2 feet away from the southwest facing window. Any suggestions?

    1. There is a lot of different info. I typically write about what works best for me in my environment. But I will say, normally elongated stems means that your plant is searching for more light.

  79. Hi Erin,

    Great read, I’ve had one for close to a year now. Propogated some babies, and is still full of foliage. But im noticing its growth and length is starting to outgrow the width or strength of the lower part of the stem. Can I cut the top to help the base get thicker or will that stop it from growing any further?

  80. Hello

    I found your post really interesting. I live in England. I got a PP last year, it was quite established with babies already growing. I removed the babies and they are growing very successfully. However the mum plant seems to be growing upwards, growing new leaves all the time but loosing it’s bottom leaves even though they are green. Can you help please?
    Thank you.

  81. I have a PP and have successful propagated two babies from it and both are doing well. My original plant is now shooting off two more babies. Is it best to cut them off or can I leave them to have a fuller plant?

  82. I just got a new Pilea and it has a baby in the pot with it so I think I’m going to pull it out and put it in its own pot so I can have them in more than one room. Can you say what size pot I should use? I have some tiny pots that had young succulents in that I purchased regularly. I have a pot that is 3″ high and 3-4″ wide, and the sides are curvy so it won’t have 4″ of soil in the pot, if that makes sense. This is the pot that I would like to have the Pilea in eventually. I know some plants (maybe all?? 😉 don’t like to jump to a big pot. What are your thoughts and, if I need to wait, how do I know when I can pot it in the 3″ h curvy pot?

  83. Hi I’m glad I found you on Pinterest I have mine for about 7 months it is growing looks healthy to me but no babies yet,I have it in an east window water once a week and check and water a 2 nd time I live in Melbourne , Fl right across the state from you but no babies yet. Any advice?

  84. I was looking for a Pilea for a whole year in New Jersey. I finally found one in a shop in SAN FRANSICO while on vacation. Needless to say, the shop packaged it up nice and neat and I held it the whole flight home.

  85. I was given two pileas by my mom as a housewarming gift for when I got my new apartment. I’m very surprised you claim they’re this rare, as I see them very often in Denmark. Anyway, my pileas grew no less than 17!! babies over the course of a year. Just replanted them today and I can’t wait to see them grow up 😀

  86. i have a new pilea that i bought yesterday! they potted him up for me in the store and sent him home with me. since then, i gave him some water last night because the lower leaves were quite droopy, and i think more so than in the store. he’s in a sunroom that’s south facing but i have him on the southwest corner, so he gets a little sun in the afternoon. not sure why it’s droopy? does it need help!?

  87. I’ve had my Pilea for over a year now and it’s grown very tall (nearly a foot tall from soil to top) but all the leaves from the main stem on the lower half have fallen off. It’s still producing new leaves but I am wondering if I could cut the main stem from the bottom and repot or if that would kill it all together. The stem is just getting too long!

  88. Pingback: 787479
    1. I’m in MTL and mine grew during the winter. Just keep the soil moist (some water about every week). The temperature in my place is usually around 21.5C. Keep in it an area where sunlight comes in, but not right by the window. Should be ok all winter!

  89. I just got a pilea last month and I love it!! It’s adorable and super easy to care for. It even survived the horrible heatwave we had in So Cal. Please make these plant posts a regular feature!!!

  90. Hello,
    So when I got my plant it was doing really good but now the leaves are a little droopy and some have brown spots in middle. What could cause that?

  91. This article was very helpful! Thanks!
    My PP grew like crazy and has 3-4 babies. I wanted to repot the babies but it looked like they were growing directly out of mama, so I got scared to cut them off (newbie planter here!). How should I go about cutting the babies off? Where is the best place to cut them from? Thanks! 🙂

  92. Hi! I have one of these guys in a kokedama ball I got back in October. It was doing so well, it’s given me about 3 babies over winter, and it’s growing with lots of new leaves.
    BUT! I noticed a while back the top rows of leaves are cupping down, I read this is maybe from high heat (in a non-venilated bathroom)… I’ve since moved it and the leaves have begun to soften… but… the bottom rows with the largest leaves are drooping far down, while the top row is perky. I’ve tried to water and the bottom row just gets droopier… is it overwatered? Should I remove the kokedama..? Please help!

    live in the Tampa area as well- so similar humidity/heat environment. All of my windows are East/west facing though (townhome apartment)

    1. I’m not exactly sure…but I received some Pilea from California with very red stems and undersides. No other Pilea that I’ve owned was ever like that. I thought it was because the gal kept them outside. Are yours outside?


  93. My pilea peperomioides is full of flowers. Since it will not propagate by seed, should I cut off the flower stems to restore strength to the mother plant?

    1. I would just let it do it’s thing naturally. As soon as they show signs of dying, then you can cut them!


  94. Hi. My Pilea is completely dead. It has just dried up. All the leaves fell out. It is in my dining room getting little sunlight and i water once a week. Also added in compost. Nothing seems to work. So disappointed i feel like throwing it away. Please help.

  95. Hello. Thank you for all the info on this plant. My question is: my momma plant grew super fast first year of life, then slowed down considerably. I have repoted, using an African Violet soil + cactus blend. The new growth is not developing, just sitting there. Whats going on here? I have it near a se facing window.

  96. Thank you for every other informative web site.
    Where else could I get that type of information written in such a perfect method?
    I’ve a undertaking that I am just now working on, and I’ve
    been at the look out for such information.

  97. I was very pleased to find this website!! I wanted to thanks for your time for writing this blog. I definitely enjoying every little bit of it and I have bookmarked you to check out new stuff that you will post in the future 🙂

  98. My P plant's leaves have sticky spots on them. Is this something I can clean off or leave as is.

    Thanks Anne

  99. Chinese Money Plant Propagation (Pilea Peperomioides)
    Chinese Money Plant is also known as Pilea Peperomioides was once hard to find commercially. However because it was clean to propagate, it was surpassed among friends, consequently. It’s not unusual names, the Friendship plant, or Pass-It-On plant. Read More Here

  100. Hi! Morgan Your Guide On Care Pilea Is really impressive you cover all the problems and give a satisfy solution of it thanks for sahring this guide it really means to me alot.

  101. Loving my fairly young one!
    I have tons of new growth and new babies almost daily! My question is, when do I know it’s time to repot? It’s currently in a 4 inch clay pot.
    Many thanks

  102. the bromide product mentioned is extremely toxic and dangerous if enters the watershed and includes extreme warnings in terms of contact with skin or ingestion by animals, etc…so toxic you cannot even dispose of it in the trash. super wierd to have a plant culture revolve around toxins and lab engineered chemicals instead of using other plants (ex: neem) that have worked just as well for years longer and that don't kill the planet. products like this are responsible for the decline in winged insect populations including the coming extinction of bees !!

  103. The way these propagate prodigiously and easily from the roots to create new plants sounds like an invasive species nightmare—like bamboo—waiting to happen where weather conditions would not kill them. As in Florida and other southern, coastal states, home(s) to invasive flora and fauna like no other. Enjoy them inside, but don't let them get away from you.

    For info:

    "Often, invasive species are spread by humans who do not realize that these plants, animals and insects are highly destructive."

  104. I just received my 2nd plant from a seller on Etsy, the first one didn’t look well when I first received it, the leaves were quickly turning black one by one were falling off and within a few days it was gone, the soil stayed moist, I never added any water, it was in a south window lots of light but not direct light, the seller sent me a replacement which looked very healthy when it arrived, soil is still moist from delivery I’ve had it a few days now, same window, today I noticed 3 black leaves, I don’t understand what’s going on, do you have any advice? What could be causing this? Thanks

  105. Thank you for this helpful information. I LOVE Pilar (my new Chinese money plant; and yes, I know she is from China, but as "Pilea" is part of her name, Pilar seemed a natural fit.), who was given to me yesterday, growing in a Ball jar. She is beautiful! I would like to share a photo, but do not see a place to upload one here. I have planted her in a pot that drains well, and will be passing along some of her babies to others who also love plants. If any of your followers live in the Atlanta area, and can wait for Pilar to produce babies, I will be happy to share them.

  106. My pilea is a long lanky thing which which looks scrawny although it has a nice under crop of wee ones. It just gets taller and thin looking. What can I do? Can I whack it mid stem and root the top portion?

  107. Hi! I just moved to Louisville KY and have had my Pilea plants outside but recently they have grown dark spots. It's summer time here and I want to bring them inside but I have two wonderful cats and don't want potential pests to get in the home (I'm not sure whether it's pest or fungus or both). Any advice on how to get my plants healthy again so I can bring them indoors? Thanks!

  108. I just bought one and it’s a baby. I got it from a shop in NC. I’m heading home and saw that out Zone in Tampa is now 10a because of the hot weather….do you think she’ll fair well in our climate?

  109. Good afternoon-
    Being a lover of all things plant wise I was thrilled to see your initial description for this plant site. I think leaf shapes are what excite me and seeing you have fiddled fig in your list was fabulous Thanks so much. ,
    Mary C Begue

  110. Hi there! I desperately need help with my Pilea plant. It has grown so tall. I have to put a couple of sticks to help it stay standing.
    Can I cut the main stem and re plant it so it’s not so tall?
    I wish I can send you the picture.

  111. A friend gave me a penny plant to nurse back to health. I’m pretty good w plants but this little guy has not taken up any water in 10+ days! It’s in a large sunny window and all my other plants are growing great there. It has a stalk w little brown fury fronds but no babies. The roots are somewhat exposed and the tiny plant is in the corner of a large clay pot. Not sure if thats ok either. Any suggestions?

  112. I have a question. What do I do with my “leggy” coin plant ? It is growing babies on the outter parts of the pot. I love it so don’t want to hurt her.

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